You know the importance of getting enough sleep each night which is ideally from seven to eight hours of sleep. However, you can still get by if you get six or nine hours of sleep each night. However, if you are dealing with some ailments that are unexplainable such as back or neck pain, then that could be the result of your sleeping position.
Your health could also result from the type of surface that you sleep on as well such as a waterbed or a very firm bed. However, more than that, your sleeping position has so much to do with your health. And the most common sleeping positions are back-sleeping, side-sleeping, and stomach-sleeping. Let’s talk about how each sleeping position has an effect on your health.
How Does Sleeping On Your Back Affect Your Health?
If you sleep on your back, this is the healthiest position to sleep in. That is because your back and spine are supported properly. And chances are you do not have back pain or neck pain if you are a back-sleeper. You will also see that your skin remains youthful as your peers are aging. That is because if you sleep on your back, your skin is not affected by being compressed to the mattress and pillow. If your skin is compressed by the surface, that can easily cause wringing and early aging. The only downside about sleeping on your back is that you will snore more and if you have sleep apnea, that can be a challenging position. You will need a CPAP machine if you have sleep apnea and you are a back-sleeper.
However, if you do sleep on your back and you are experiencing back pain, then it is from another cause which you will want to look into. Let’s now look and see how side-sleeping affects your health.
What Happens To You If You Sleep On Your Side?
The majority of people sleep on their sides. And if you are struggling with pain on one side of your body such as one arm and the leg on the same side, then it is caused by you sleeping on that side. You could be at a higher chance of developing arthritis. If you also have problems with your digestive system and developed a condition such as GERD, then that can easily be from you sleeping on your right side. Therefore, if you must sleep on your side, then you should sleep on your left side in order to ease heartburn and GERD symptoms.
The only positive thing about sleeping on your side is that it reduces snoring and it is good for your circulation. However, you will want to consider investing in a body pillow to help you stay as straight as you can, or put pillows between your legs to keep you straight. That will be better for your back and will help reduce the pain. What about if you sleep on your stomach? What happens then?
What Health Issues Will You Face If You Sleep On Your Stomach?
If you sleep on your stomach, that is the hardest on your neck and spine, and it is the worst position as well. Your neck is turned and your back is curved, therefore, you will end up with the worst neck and back pain. You also may not get a good sleep since the discomfort in your back will cause you to toss and turn often and that will keep waking you up. You can also develop digestive problems if you do go to bed when your stomach is not empty. The only positive thing you have going for you in this position is that you will snore less.
However, if you insist on sleeping on your stomach, then replace your pillow with a flat pillow so your spine and neck do not curve as much.
If you insist on sleeping in the one position that you are used to even if it were to cause health issues, you will need to talk to your sleep specialist so you get the advice you need to minimize health problems. The most important thing is that you get a good night’s rest.