Veganism is in and it is in even more than it was before because there is a lot of awareness of animals suffering before they are slaughtered and vegans also find it wrong to eat animal byproducts even if the animal is not being killed in the processes. That is why vegans do not eat cheese and eggs as well. They will never drink non-vegan milk either for that reason.
Vegans are also well aware of the fact that when they make this lifestyle change to go vegan, they are going to require a lot of supplements because they will miss out on essential nutrients that they would be getting from meat, eggs, cheese, milk, and other animal byproducts. There are also many vegetables and nuts that contain a lot of calcium such as walnuts, spinach, and other leafy greens since they will not be getting calcium from milk and cheese. It is a known fact that iron is the mineral that people get from meat, especially beef. However, foods such as leafy greens, lentils, and some nuts are high in iron as well. Therefore, vegans can get their iron from those sources.
However, the fact of the matter is, they also need nutrients such as Omega 3 fatty acids to help keep their hormones normalized and to keep their brain healthy too. They have to take supplements since they will not eat fatty fish such as salmon. But there are so many supplements that vegans can take that will not measure up to the kind of nutritional needs that they require from eating food. They need to take in the nutrients right from the sources or else they will be missing out. Therefore, one problem that vegans can easily face is reduced bone density which can increase the chances of bone fractures.
Why Are Vegans More Prone To Bone Fractures?
It is not a stretch to say that the fact that vegans don’t eat meat and dairy is a significant reason as to why they are more prone to bone fractures. Even if they take calcium, Vitamin B12, and D supplements which can help provide those nutrients to vegans since they will not get them from meat. And even the vegetables and nuts, and whole grains that contain those vitamins are not as potent with them as meat and dairy are. Therefore, that right there alone can make them more susceptible to bone fractures. That can cause their bone density to drop, and that also means they are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis and other bone-related ailments.
Suffice to say that because vegans don’t get the proper nutrition to help their bones, they are going to be more prone to having poor bone health. Vegetarians are also more likely to experience bone fractures as well according to a study conducted at Oxford University in the United Kingdom. Vegetarians do eat eggs and dairy but not meat, and some vegetarians will eat fish. The study found that those who ate fish but not other meat still had a higher chance of having bone fractures than their counterparts who ate meat.
Therefore, even vegetarians are losing some key nutrients in their diet which is why they are likely to develop bone ailments – however, not to the same degree as vegans because vegetarians still eat dairy and eggs.
How Can Vegans And Vegetarians Maintain Good Bone Health?
The one thing that anyone who decides to go vegan or vegetarian must do is see a licensed nutritionist who can find other sources of the key minerals they need to stay healthy. There may be prescribed vitamins they may need as vitamins sold even at health food stores will not provide them with the nutrients they need. Therefore, medical intervention will need to happen if one makes such a lifestyle and wants to ensure that they remain healthy.