There are things that you generally don’t think about in an average day. One of those things that you really don’t think about on just any day is what time of day you do a number two. All you think about is when you have to go, you go and don’t even pay attention to the time when you go. Sometimes you go first thing in the morning, and other times you don’t end up pooping until the later afternoon. Sometimes you don’t have the need to go until the late evening. And does the time of day really matter when you have to poop? Believe it or not, the time of day when you go has a lot of significance to your overall health. When is the best time of day to relieve yourself that way?
The best time of day to poop is when you are ready to take on the day. Therefore, mornings are the optimal time for doing number two.
Why Is It Best To Do A Number Two In The Mornings?
When you are sleeping your digestive system is at work. Particularly your small and large colon. They need to process the rest of the food that has been consumed the day before. Remember that when you are sleeping, your body is actually doing a lot of work and that includes healing as well as clearing toxins. Once you wake up, then you will have the urge to stretch and drink water. And the feeling of having to do number two also sets in. That is when you should do it as that is the best time to clear all of the toxins by peeing and pooping. That will prevent a build-up of toxins that you will be taking in during the day.
If you don’t poop first thing in the morning because you don’t have to go, you can always try a natural laxative that will help your system move things along. You can drink a warm glass of water with a little bit of salt (not too much, just a quarter of a teaspoon is enough, or else it can cause you to vomit which is not how you want to clear your system). You can add lemon as well to it in order to not just improve the flavor but lemon water has excellent properties as well. If you drink that warm water with salt and lemon, that can quickly help your bowels move along.
However, if you still are unable to go, then don’t panic. Some people don’t go daily as their normal when it comes to doing number two may be going three times a week. That means they would not have to go daily which means their digestive system works slowly. There are other people who fall at the other end of the spectrum and end up doing number two, three times a day because their digestive system works quickly.
However, if you are finding yourself constipated, then you need to evaluate why that would be. If you started a new medication, then there is a chance that can initially constipate you. Pregnancy is another cause of constipation that results from hormones. Stress as well as changes in routine can also cause you to become temporarily constipated.
However, the good news is that there are methods to counteract that. You will want to first make sure you are drinking at least six to ten glasses of water a day. If you are struggling with constipation, then you want to make sure you are properly hydrated as well as drinking the water to flush out your toxins. The water consumption will help get your bowels moving as well.
In addition to enough drinking water, be sure to take in more fiber. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are loaded with fiber. Take a supplement if you need it as well. And finally, get enough exercise in order to get your body moving properly. All you need to do is to take a half-hour brisk walk a day to get your bowels moving as well. And if you are still struggling with constipation, then you will want to talk to your doctor about taking a laxative as a last resort.
Either way, you want to make sure that you clear your bowels first thing in the morning so your system does not become overwhelmed with additional toxins – if you are the type to go do number two daily. Even if you go three times a week, then you want to aim to go first thing in the morning as well.