There are plenty of reasons why you would have a headache on the left side of your head and if it is a mild short-lived headache, then you do not need to worry. However, if you have other symptoms such as having nausea and blurred vision, then that could be a serious issue. However, not always. That depends on the frequency of those headaches that you have happening on the left side. Let’s now talk about the most common type of headache that you could be suffering from on your left side of the head, which would be a migraine.
What Is A Migraine Headache?
Migraines can cause pain that is moderate or severe and you will feel it throbbing so badly that you may struggle to function. If it is moderate, you may be able to function somewhat. However, what happens during a migraine is that you will feel the pain beginning around the temple or the eye, and then it begins to spread. You may experience nausea, vision changes, dizziness, and you will be incredibly sensitive to smell, light, touch, and sound. You may also feel tingling or numbness around the face as well. There is a rare type of migraine known as the hemiplegic migraine and it can not only cause numbness and weakness on that side of the face but also on the limbs.
In most cases, a migraine can last anywhere from four hours to three days and the best remedy is to lie down in a dark place until the symptoms die down. There are also medications that can help prevent the onset of a migraine or treat it if it happens. Some people are prone to migraines and others are not.
However, in most cases, genetics play a role. If you are not genetically predisposed to getting migraines, you will likely not suffer from them. If you are, then there is a good chance you will get them. You are more likely to have migraines if you are dealing with unmanaged stress, changes in hormones, foods such as cheese, alcohol, or chocolate, odors like perfumes, an irregular sleep schedule, and flickering or bright lights. However, migraines are not the only type of headache you can get on the left side of the head. It can happen on the right side as well, but not as often. There are other headaches you can have on the left side, one being cluster headaches.
What Are Cluster Headaches?
Cluster headaches can happen on the left side and the pain is near the eye, and it can be quite severe to the point it feels that there is a piercing or burning feeling. It is sharp and the pain will last for several hours. The symptoms of this headache are characterized by having a blocked or runny nose, a flushed face that is sweaty, an eyelid that is drooping, or watery eyes that have redness in the eye that is affected. It is not known what causes the cluster headaches but they happen usually around the same time each day and they happen the most during the fall or spring as they can be confused with allergy headaches.
There are other headaches as well such as headaches that happen after whiplash or an injury. However, you will need to go to the doctor if the pain does not subside at any time as you could potentially have a tumor, a brain aneurysm, or vasculitis which is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the blood vessels which can lead to painful headaches as the blood vessels in the head are attacked. Therefore, you do not want to ignore it if you get headaches regularly.