You probably never think about what could be lurking in your belly button and that is because why would you think about it since it is covered unless you don’t wear your shirt or if you wear a bikini? Even then you would not even give your belly button much thought. Those who pierce it may not think much about their naval area either other than the reasons that they have for piercing it. And you wonder what is the point of the belly button?
It is where the umbilical cord was when you were developing so you could get the nourishment you needed from your mother while you were in the womb. Other than that, there is no real use for it. However, you likely are not aware of its importance to you. Here is a question to ask. How often do you wash your belly button? Do you even think about washing it? Chances are you do not because once again, you don’t think about it at all. Why is it important to clean your naval area? There is one reason and one reason why it is essential to keep your naval area clean.
Your Belly Button Has Plenty Of Bacteria In It As Well As Other Harmful Microbes
You probably don’t think anything about how harmful the inside of your belly button is but the fact of the matter is that you have a lot of germs lurking in there. If you touch the inside of your belly button and rub against it, and then smell it after, you will realize that it smells bad. That is because of the bacteria in there, or even yeast. You also have dirt and other particles such as lint which makes it very unsanitary inside. Is the solution to wash it with ordinary soap while showering? That may not be a good idea since the inside of your naval area is sensitive. The good news is that there is another powerful approach that does work when it comes to cleaning your naval area. That is by cleaning it with apple cider vinegar.
How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help Clean The Belly Button?
Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties and that is how it can clean your belly button quite well. The way to clean it is to take a Q-tip and dip it into the apple cider vinegar, and then rub it inside of your naval area and do it carefully. The area is quite sensitive so you don’t want to make it uncomfortable as you wipe in the area. Then gently wipe the inside of your belly button with a damp piece of tissue, and make sure it is not too damp, or else pieces of tissue will end up sticking to it. If you clean your belly button daily with apple cider vinegar, then you will keep the area quite clean and you will not have to worry about any type of infection.
How Do You Know If You Have An Infection In Your Naval Area?
Even though your belly button area is a breeding ground for many types of bacteria, it is not overly common to have an infection from there. However, the risk is still there because of not being clean. You would know if you have an infection by having pain in the area, or pus coming from there. You may even have a fever and feelings of malaise. You need to see a doctor if you sense you have an infection in your naval area and you will need antibiotics to clear it up. That is why it is essential to keep it clean, and apple cider vinegar is the ideal solution for that.