Everyone increases their chances of cancer if they are obese, smoke, drink, and give into other bad habits. However, for women, they can increase their chances of ending up with cancer in ways that men don’t. How is that possible? The short answer is that these habits can easily cause changes in hormone levels that can increase the chances of cancer. Let’s look at the 7 common habits that women do that can increase their chances of cancer that men don’t.
Drinking Out Of Bottles Made Of Plastic
Plastic often contains a chemical BPA which is a xenoestrogen, which can mimic the role of estrogen. This can easily confuse the system and cause hormonal imbalances which may end up increasing the chances of cancer in women. The best thing to do is to look for containers that don’t contain BPA as many plastic containers are free of the chemical
Putting Baby Powder On Lady Parts
The baby powder seems harmless and it is soothing, therefore, it is understandable that women would sprinkle some in that sensitive area. However, baby powder contains a chemical called talc which can increase the chances of endometrial cancer. It is best to just avoid doing that all together and look for natural ways of keeping that area soothed.
Scented Candles Uses
Scented candles are nice and comforting but if you use them too often, that can definitely increase the chances of cancer. That is because they contain carcinogens which at high levels can be cancer-causing. It is best to use them sparingly.
Paraben-Loaded Products Being Used
Soaps, lotions, cleaning products, and makeup often contain parabens which the skin will absorb. And the problem with this chemical is that they have properties that are similar to estrogen which can cause hormonal imbalances the way BPA can. The good news is that there are many of these products available that are free of parabens which is why it is ideal to go after those.
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms For Stress
Stress is not something that anyone can avoid. However, there are ways to cope with it such as through meditation, through yoga, and through winding down. And women that do not practice healthy coping mechanisms for stress can increase their chances of ending up with breast cancer. This is why women that are dealing with high-stress jobs and/or high-stress family situations need to be screened for breast cancer regularly.
Staying Up Too Late
Women that are night owls have bad news to hear. They have an increased chance of developing breast cancer. Studies have found that women, in particular, are vulnerable to that possibility as they are much better off with going to bed earlier at night and waking up earlier in the morning. That is due to the fact that a lack of sleep can increase the chances of getting breast cancer but ironically women that sleep for more than 9 hours a day can also increase the chances of getting breast cancer as well.
Working Graveyard Shift
It is bad enough that staying up too late and not getting enough sleep can increase the chances of cancer. However, working night shifts can do a lot more damage and not only increase the chances of women getting breast cancer. But they can get other types of cancer as well such as skin cancer. It is possible that being awake during the darker hours and sleeping during the daytime may have something to do with it. As sunlight can help decrease the chances of cancer.
Women reading this may see that they have to change their habits and lifestyle in order to lower their risk of cancer which is hard. But the first thing to do is to start by getting rid of products that have parabens and BPA.