No one knows when COVID-19 really came out as speculation shows that it was around sooner than December 2019 by several months. And there are many people who may have already had the virus without even knowing and recovered well. What are some of the signs that doctors are sharing that you could potentially have had COVID-19 without knowing?
You Could Have Had A Terrible Cold
Having a cold when it is winter is common and expected but at the same time, if you had a horrible cold during the winter of late 2019 and early 2020 before the declaration of the pandemic, then you may have potentially had COVID-19. If it was a short cold, then it may not have been the virus. However, if this cold stuck around for more than two weeks and you struggled to breathe at times while having a fever, then there is a good chance that you had COVID-19 instead of a bad long-lasting cold.
A Cough That Did Not Stop
If you had a terrible dry cough that did not stop and it went on for at least a week, it could have been COVID-19. This is not a cough that went on for a few days and then ended. The cough would have started as mild but as the days went on, it intensified and it did not end for at least a week. In fact, it was the type of dry cough that would have kept you up in the night. That is not the same type of productive cough you would have with a cold or flu either. It is painfully dry.
One of the common signs of COVID-19 is pinkeye, or you may have had blurred vision and watery eyes. If you only had that as a symptom then there could still be a chance you had COVID-19 without knowing it. There are many causes for pinkeye but if you put your hands near your eyes by wiping around them then it is possible that the virus attacked your eyes. There are treatments for pinkeye that clear up the infection.
Heart Palpitations
Did you have a time when your heart was fluttering or beating very fast? You can expect that to happen after a virus leaves your body and those signs are noticeable for about two weeks if it is mild, but more serious cases can last up to about six weeks. It is also possible you may have had tightness in your chest. Therefore, if you had those signs, then that could have been the response to you overcoming COVID-19.
Fatigue That Was Intense
Fatigue is a very common symptom of COVID-19 and it is even worse with the Omicron variant. However, if you had extreme fatigue and it did not improve with more sleep, then there is a good chance that you had the virus and may not have known it at the time upon its discovery. Sometimes the fatigue can also reappear once you are better weeks later.
Lost Your Sense Of Taste Or Smell
If smells and tastes did not seem right or you lost those senses, then there is a chance you may have had COVID-19 as that is one of the hallmarks of the virus. Sometimes that symptom alone can be a sign that you had COVID-19, and it may have taken a while for the taste and smell to return to normal.
If you are unsure if you had COVID-19, you can always take an antibody test. However, if you were vaccinated whether you were boosted or not, then the results may not show you whether the antibodies are from the virus or from the vaccine, or both. However, be on the lookout for the long-term effects of COVID-19.