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These Are The Most Common Summer Health Problems

You may like summertime because it is the time when fun and freedom happens, and you don’t hear about colds and cases of flu being so common except for the odd summer cold here and there. However, what you don’t realize is that there is a fair share of health problems that do come up during the summer. In fact, there are 10 health problems that do worsen during summer which will be talked about now.

Complications From Insect Bites

Complications From Insect Bites

If you have had a bee sting or a bite from another insect, you may develop health complications from it which could be deadly depending on the insect that has bitten you. At the very least you will endure pain and potentially a rash. Sure it can happen during the spring or fall but it is most likely to happen during the summer months since bugs are out and about.

Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning could happen at any time of year technically. However, it happens more during the summer. If food is left out in hot temperatures, then it goes bad quickly and you would not realize it either. Therefore, if you all of a sudden become ill after eating food that has been out for ‘not all that long’, that is why. It was long enough for it to spoil from the heat.

Asthma Attacks

Asthma Attacks

Pollen counts, humidity, and effects from mold are high and it will stress out your lungs. This is why you will struggle with taking in a breath and before you know it, you are at a higher risk for having asthma attacks. Especially if you do have asthma. But even if you don’t, you will struggle to catch your breath at times for these reasons.

Swimmer’s Ear

This infection is known as otitis externa and that is when water gets stuck in your ear canal after swimming and does not get out. And therefore, this can easily lead to a painful ear infection. Tilt your head downward to allow the water to escape your ear after getting out of the pool to lower the risk of this infection.

Hay Fever

Hay Fever

Hay fever is a common summer problem that results from too much pollen and poor air quality. It mimics a cold where you have a runny nose, congestion, sinus pressure, and itchy eyes and makes you feel miserable. It is best to always carry around antihistamines for this reason.

Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

Ticks are notorious for being carriers of Lyme Disease which presents itself through severe muscle pain and swelling, rashes, flu-like symptoms, and paralysis if it goes undetected. The best thing to do is if you suspect you have this condition to see your doctor before it progresses. Keep insect repellent by you and wear long sleeves if you go into wooded areas.


Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are serious issues that happen in the summer if you are in the heat for too long without wearing a hat and without drinking water. You can suffer from nausea, dehydration, and hyperthermia can stress your heart out to the point of passing out. That is what happens when your body overheats which is why to not spend prolonged time outdoors and always wear a hat.



Sunburns are painful but if it happens too often, you are risking yourself for developing melanomas. To lessen the risk of sunburn, wear SFP 15 at the very least of sunscreen and limit your time in the sun. Also, spend your time outdoors before 10 am and after 4 pm when the UV rays are lower.



Coxsackievirus is known as the hand, foot, and mouth disease that mostly affects young children under 10 years of age. The symptoms are oral sores, sore throat, fever, as well as blisters on the hands and the feet. And kids that have it drool, have a fever, and don’t want to drink. Symptoms go away on their own in a week but during the time it is miserable and spreads through saliva, feces, and mucus. Practicing good hygiene is the way to combat this.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

If you are allergic to urushiol, which is oil in the sap of ivy, oak, or sumac, which you likely are, then you will end up with a serious rash. The itching is so severe that even calamine lotion won’t always help. You can also end up with this reaction in the winter even if the trees have no leaves. However, it is most likely to happen during the summer.

While you are planning on enjoying your summer, beware of these health problems that worsen during the best season of the year.


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