If you want to know how well your heart works and how healthy your cardiovascular system is, then there is a simple way to determine that. That is by knowing how well you can climb four flights of stairs. Additionally, that is why cardiologists test the heart health of a patient by telling them to climb stairs as that is a way to make the determination. You can also tell how healthy your heart is by how well you carry heavy items, such as a large number of groceries in heavy bags from your car to your home.
If you wonder how well your heart is working, then the best test you can take is by climbing a flight of stairs. Medical researchers in Spain have made this determination. If you climb four flights of stairs in under a minute easily without ending up out of breath, then your heart health is likely good. However, if you end up out of breath quickly and it takes you longer than a minute to walk up four flights of stairs, then your cardiac health is likely not very good and you will want to get your heart checked. Therefore, that means you will want to make an appointment with your doctor.
However, that also depends on many other circumstances. If you have been running all day and haven’t had a moment to yourself, and you are exhausted after walking up four flights upstairs – then that does not necessarily mean your heart health is poor. It only means that you are tired. You have run out of gas and that is to be expected. Therefore, a good time to test your heart health by using the stairs test is not on a day when you are overly physically busy. You will want to do it on a day when you have gotten plenty of rest.
Once you are rested or you have not been physically active, then you will see that the stairs test is a good indicator of your cardiovascular health, according to Spanish scientists. According to a cardiologist in Spain, he makes it pretty clear that if you are struggling to get up the stairs and it takes you a minute and a half or longer to do so, then you need to make an appointment with your doctor – and to get a referral to a cardiologist.
How Was The Study Conducted?
The European Society of Cardiology did the studies and made this discovery which has not yet been peer-reviewed in a scientific journal let alone published. However, other cardiologists worldwide find this study to be accurate. The way the study was conducted was that 165 participants were asked to run or walk on a treadmill until they could no longer walk from exhaustion. After a rest period, the participants were told to climb 60 steps which were four flights of stairs. They were told to walk it at a fast but not necessarily at a pace that required them to run. Those who were able to achieve walking up the stairs in 40 to 45 seconds were found to have healthy hearts. However, those who took a minute and a half or longer had poor cardiovascular health.
Even though these studies have not yet been peer-reviewed, they are a good guideline to give you a picture of your cardiovascular health. That means you will want to try doing this. That way you will know how healthy your heart is by how fast you can climb four flights of stairs. Remember to get an accurate picture to do it at a time where you have gotten enough rest and not have exerted yourself.